Meets: Various times as needed.
Meeting Location: Where the work is needed.
Committee Chair: Lance Mora
Real Estate
Reviews and makes recommendations to Board on proposed developments and other related issues
Meets: As needed
Meeting Location: TBD
Committee Chairs:
Coordinates traffic plans with the City and County officials
Meets: As needed
Meeting Location: TBD
Committee Chair:
Floats, equestrian units, all types of decorated vehicles and more led by a fire truck from our local station. Races are prior to the parade.
Meets: As needed
Meeting Location: TBD
Committee Chairs: Don Bradley
The biggest fundraiser and social event of the year. Since 1971 OPA residents have come together to enjoy amazing BBQ, live music, and dancing. Raffles and auctions support community projects
Meets: Weekly until Sept 18th
Meeting Location: Zoom for now
Committee Chairs: Sherry Panttaja